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Importance of seismic support for normal operation of electrical equipment

Source:小编 Release time:2022-11-18 Views:

The seismic support mainly transmits the seismic action to the building structure through the connection with the base, with strong bearing capacity. Therefore, in the design of drawings, the layout of buildings and circuits shall be reasonable, and reasonable design must be carried out. The installation is direct, and the workers should strictly follow the requirements of the design drawings to ensure the correct location of the seismic support, so as to ensure the quality of the electrical wiring installation project.

On the premise of purchasing advanced shockproof support accessories and advanced electrical wiring installation equipment, it is very necessary to provide technical training for installation personnel. As the good quality of the project will directly affect the safe use and seismic performance of future power, because the seismic support can effectively ensure the seismic effect of buildings, the correct installation technology of installers will be conducive to seismic engineering.

We all know the importance of seismic support to the normal operation of electrical equipment. Therefore, on the premise of reasonably designing the installation position of seismic support and hanger, we also need to put forward requirements for the layout and installation of power lines, to ensure that the seismic support device of each node combination is comprehensively modified, the installation of power lines is reasonably improved, and the line is embedded well.